General complaints - How to contact Texas Bank

Texas Bank is committed to providing exceptional customer service. We welcome the opportunity to address any concerns you may have. We encourage you to contact us using one of the following options: 

By Mail:
Texas Bank
P.O. Box 1990
Henderson TX 75653-1990
Attn: Customer Service

By Telephone:
(903) 657-1466 or 888-682-3375

Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CT
Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

By E-mailContact Us

Credit Report Disputes

Texas Bank may report information regarding your credit accounts with us to consumer reporting agencies and we make every effort to provide accurate information. Please notify us if we report any inaccurate information about your Account(s) to a consumer reporting agency. You should send your written notice describing the specific inaccuracy(ies) by mail to:

Texas Bank
P.O. Box 1990
Henderson, TX 75653
Attn: Note Department

Consumer Complaint Notice

Texas Bank is chartered under the laws of the State of Texas and by state law is subject to regulatory oversight by the Texas Department of Banking. Any consumer wishing to file a complaint against Texas Bank should contact the Texas Department of Banking through one of the means indicated below: In Person or U.S. Mail: 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78705-4294 Telephone No.: (877) 276-5554 Fax No.: (512) 475-1313 

E-mail[email protected]


Write to:

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection
Consumer Response Center
1100 Walnut St, Box #11
Kansas City, MO 64106

Toll-free Call Center:
1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342)

Hours: M-F 8:00 am - 8:00 pm ET

Fax: (703) 812-1020

Online atCustomer Assistance Online Form

For the Hearing Impaired: 1-800-925-4618 or (703) 562-2289 

Texas Bank engages in the business of selling checks as a company licensed under the laws of the State of Texas and subject to regulatory oversight by the Texas Department of Banking. If you have a complaint, first contact the compliance department of Texas Bank at (903)657-1466, if you still have an unresolved complaint regarding the sale company's money transmission or currency exchange activity, please direct your complaint to: 

Texas Department of Banking
2601 Lamar Blvd, Ste 300
Austin Texas 78705-4294,

1-877-276-5554 (toll free),



Quejas generales – Cómo ponerse en contacto con Texas Bank

Texas tiene el compromiso de ofrecer un servicio de atención a clientes excepcional; por lo tanto, quisiéramos tener la oportunidad de resolver sus inquietudes. Le exhortamos a ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través de las siguientes maneras: 

Por Correo:
Texas Bank
P.O. Box 1990
Henderson, TX 75653
Attn: Customer Service

Por Teléfono:
(903) 657-1466 or toll free 888-682-3375

Lunes – Jueves: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Hora del Centro)CT
Viernes: 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sábado: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Por Correo ElectrónicoContact Us

Disputas por Reporte de Crédito

Texas podría reportar información sobre sus cuentas de crédito con nosotros a las agencias de reporte de crédito y para ello, realizamos todo el esfuerzo posible para proporcionar información certera. Por favor notifíquenos en caso de que llegáramos a reportar información incorrecta sobre su cuenta(s) a alguna agencia de reporte de crédito. Para tal efecto, por favor escriba una carta describiendo las inexactitudes y envíela por correo a:

Texas Bank
P.O. Box 1990
Henderson, TX 75653
Attn: Note Department

Aviso para Quejas de Consumidores

Texas Bank es un banco constituido bajo las leyes del estado de Texas y como tal es regido por el Texas Department of Banking (Departmento Bancario de Texas). Todo consumidor que desee presentar alguna queja contra Texas Bank debe contactar al Texas Department of Banking a través de las siguientes maneras: En Persona o Correo: 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78705-4294 Teléfono: (877) 276-5554 Fax: (512) 475-1313

Correo Electrónico[email protected]


Write to:

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection
Consumer Response Center
1100 Walnut St, Box #11
Kansas City, MO 64106

Toll-free Call Center:

1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342)

Hours: M-F 8:00 am - 8:00 pm ET

Fax: (703) 812-1020

Online atCustomer Assistance Online Form

For the Hearing Impaired: 1-800-925-4618 or (703) 562-2289

Texas Bank se involucre en el negocio de venta de cheques como una empresa con licencia bajo las leyes del estado do Texas y esta sujeto a la supervision regulatoria por parte del Departamento Bancario de Texas. Si usted tiene una queja, contacte primero el departamento de cumplimiento de Texas Bank, si usted aun tiene una queja que no ha sido resuelta respect al envoi de dinero de la empresa o la actividad de venta y compra de divisas, porfavor dirija su queja a:

Texas Department of Banking
2601 Lamar Blvd, STE 300
Austin Texas 78705-4294

1-877-276-5554 (toll free),


Local Decisions. Local People. Local Bank.

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